can you hide your snapscore

In an era marked by heightened concerns over social media privacy, users of platforms such as Snapchat are increasingly vigilant about the information they share online. With functionalities like Snap score, which automatically calculates and displays users’ activity levels, many are questioning whether it is possible to maintain their privacy by concealing such metrics. If you are contemplating, “How can I hide my Snap score?”, you are among many seeking clarity. This article aims to delve into Snapchat’s privacy settings, with a particular focus on the Snap score feature.

What is a Snap Score?

Before delving into the topic of privacy, it is imperative to comprehend the concept of a Snap score. Fundamentally, your Snap score represents a numerical value that quantifies your engagement on the platform, encompassing the volume of Snaps you have exchanged, Stories you have shared, among other activities. Although this metric can serve as an interesting indicator of activity levels among users and their friends on Snapchat, there is a preference among some users to maintain the confidentiality of this figure.

The Quest for Privacy: Hiding Your Snap Score

To the disappointment of many, Snapchat currently does not offer a direct feature to hide your Snap score from other users. The visibility of your Snap score is tied directly to your privacy settings for who can contact you and view your Stories. Here’s what you can do to manage who sees your Snap score based on Snapchat’s existing privacy settings:

1. Adjust Your Contact Settings

By default, anyone who adds you on Snapchat can see your Snap score, provided you add them back. To limit its visibility:

  • Go to your profile by tapping your Bitmoji or profile icon at the top.
  • Tap the settings gear in the top right corner to access Settings.
  • Scroll down to the ‘Who Can…’ section and tap ‘Contact Me’.
  • Changing this setting to ‘My Friends’ means only users you have mutually added back can see your score.

2. Curate Your Friends List

Since your Snap score visibility is linked to who can contact you and whose requests you’ve accepted, being selective about who you add as a friend on Snapchat is paramount. Regularly reviewing and pruning your friends list can ensure that only people you trust can see your activity metrics.

Snapchat Privacy and Social Media Security

While not being able to hide your Snap score might seem like a drawback for those highly conscious of their online privacy, it’s crucial to remember that social media platforms, by their nature, are about sharing information. Here are a few tips to enhance your overall privacy on Snapchat and other social media:

  • Review Privacy Settings Regularly: Platforms often update their privacy features, so staying informed can help you manage your settings effectively.
  • Be Mindful of What You Share: Consider what you’re posting and who will be able to see it, especially in public or semi-public spaces.
  • Educate Yourself on Security Features: Features like two-factor authentication can add an extra layer of security to your accounts.

Unveiling Snap Score Secrets: 5 Fascinating Insights

Uncover its transformative features and learn if hiding your SnapScore is possible

Snapchat has woven itself into the fabric of social media with unique features like the Snap Score. This number, emblematic of your social engagement on the app, stirs curiosity and privacy concerns alike. Here are five intriguing insights about the coveted Snap Score and its cloaked nature:

  1. The Mystery Behind the Calculation: Snapchat’s algorithm for calculating your Snap Score remains largely enigmatic. It’s understood to encompass the number of Snaps sent and received, Stories posted, and possibly other factors, crafting a numeric reflection of your Snapchat vitality.
  2. A Badge of Social Prowess: For some, a high Snap Score is worn as a badge of honor, symbolizing social connectivity and platform engagement. This perception fuels the desire for visibility rather than privacy for a segment of the Snapchat community.
  3. No Direct Cloak of Invisibility: Snapchat’s stance on Snap Score visibility underscores the platform’s ethos of open social interaction. The absence of a feature to directly hide your Snap Score speaks to the balancing act between user privacy and social openness.
  4. Cultural Impact: The Snap Score phenomenon has contributed to a unique social culture within Snapchat, where users can gauge their interaction level not just with the app but with individual friends. This has inadvertently encouraged more frequent interactions to ‘boost’ the score.
  5. Privacy Settings as a Deterrent: Although Snapchat doesn’t allow you to hide your Snap Score outright, adept manipulation of your privacy settings can serve as a strategic barrier. This halfway solution showcases the platform’s nod towards user privacy, albeit without complete anonymity.

In weaving through the webs of Snapchat’s features and user preferences, the Snap Score emerges as a fascinator—simultaneously a measure of social engagement and a pivot of privacy debates. Its existence and the curiosity it garners underscore the evolving dialogue between social media platform capabilities and user control over privacy.


While you cannot directly hide your Snap score on Snapchat, managing your privacy settings and friends list can help control who has access to this part of your profile. In the broader context of social media security, understanding and utilizing the available privacy controls is key to maintaining a level of privacy you’re comfortable with.

Snapchat continues to evolve, and who knows, the option to hide your Snap score may become available in the future. Until then, staying informed and cautious about your privacy settings remains the best strategy.

Remember, in the world of social media, knowledge truly is power. Empower yourself by staying up-to-date with the latest in Snapchat Privacy, Social Media Security, and best practices for maintaining your digital privacy.


Can I see who viewed my Snap Score?

No, Snapchat does not provide a feature that lets you see exactly who has viewed your Snap Score. You can only see who has viewed your Stories.

Will my Snap Score go down if I stop using Snapchat?

No, your Snap Score does not decrease over time. It only increases with the amount of activity you have on the app, such as sending and receiving Snaps, posting Stories, etc.

Is there a limit to how high my Snap Score can go?

There is no known limit to how high a Snap Score can go. Snapchat users have reached scores in the millions, suggesting the ceiling, if it exists, is quite high.

Does adding Snaps to my Story affect my Snap Score?

Yes, adding Snaps to your Story can increase your Snap Score. Your score is a combination of various factors, including the number of Snaps you send, receive, and post to your Story.

Can I hide my Snap Score from everyone, including friends?

Currently, there is no feature that allows you to hide your Snap Score from everyone. The only way to control its visibility is through your privacy settings, which can limit the visibility to just your friends or those you’ve added back.

How often does my Snap Score update?

Snapchat has not provided specific details on how often Snap Scores are updated, but it appears to refresh frequently, sometimes instantly after sending or receiving Snaps and Stories.